To do this lab, make sure to have Python and Visual Studio installed. We will be installing opencv-python, numpy, imutils, dlib, and scipy from the terminal/command prompt or in a virtual environment.
Open the Terminal/Command prompt and install the required packages globally on your device.
'''sh pip install opencv-python numpy imutils dlib scipy '''
- Create a virtual environment in your terminal/command prompt.
'''sh python -m venv myenv '''
- Activate the virtual environment
On Windows: '''sh myenv\Scripts\activate '''
On macOS/Linux: '''sh source myenv/bin/activate '''
- Install the packages within the virtual environment:
'''sh pip install opencv-python numpy imutils dlib scipy '''
- Open Visual Studio Create a new project or open an existing one.
- To create a new project, go to File > New > Project..., select Python from the project templates, and follow the prompts to set up your project.
- Configure the Python Environment
- In the 'Options' window, navigate to 'Python > Environments'.
- If you are downloaded it to your own device, you should see it appear in Global.
- If you are using a virtual environment, select 'Existing environment' and select the 'venv'.
- Add Your Packages to the Project
- Click on "Python > Packages' and ensure the installed packages are listed
- If they are not listed, you can manually add them by specifying the package names.
- For example, you can type 'opencv-python' in search box and install it.
- Verify the Installation
- Create a new python file called '' and add the following script
'''python import cv2 import numpy as np import imutils import dlib import scipy
print("Packages imported successfully!") '''
- Run the script and ensure this message is displayed in the terminal "Packages imported successfully!"