Flume interceptor that create new headers from other headers by regular expressions.
E.g. there are too tables in hadoop - first
and second
Flume watches spool directory and uploads files to hdfs to destination first
and second
Interceptor helps you determine table name.
Config example:
agent.sources = src
agent.sources.src.type = spooldir
agent.sources.src.channels = channel
agent.sources.src.spoolDir = /var/spool/flume
agent.sources.src.fileHeader = true
agent.sources.src.basenameHeader = true
agent.sources.src.deletePolicy = immediate
agent.sources.src.interceptors = table_detector
agent.sources.src.interceptors.table_detector.type = org.apache.hadoop.flume.interceptor.HeaderRegexInterceptor$Builder
agent.sources.src.interceptors.table_detector.header = basename
agent.sources.src.interceptors.table_detector.regex = ^(?<table>[a-zA-Z\-]+)_.*$
agent.sources.src.interceptors.table_detector.group.table = tablename
Interceptor get value of header basename
and try to parse it with regex.
Then it adds new header tablename
with value of named group table