my dotfiles
- bash sensible defaults
- passwordstore
- sexy bash prompt
- less sensible defaults
- pyenv and python defaults
- Linux & OSX support
- dircolors, lots of colors
- bash aliases
I haven't made my mind on how to setup my dotfiles, one option is to create a
bare git repository, as explained here.
Another option is to set up a normal repo and stow
your dotfiles. As I can
not make my mind, I support both.
git clone --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
alias config='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
config checkout # use -f to overwrite existing dotfiles
source .bash_profile # to load shell in dotfiles
This requires stow. Wich can be installed like this
# osx
brew install stow
# debian/ubuntu
sudo apt install stow
Now that we have all that we need
cd $HOME
git clone .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
stow .
# if you get a warnign about overriding existing files
# you can do this under your responsibility
stow --adopt .
git diff # see if you need anythin
git reset --hard origin master # ignore local files
With the bare repository option. You can manage the dotfiles like this
config remote -v # list remote git repository
config status # git status
config pull # pull upstream changes
config checkout # apply changes
For stow
, you just use git in the .dotfiles
Support for the following dircolors
To select your theme edit .bashrc
and set THEME
environment variable.
Valid values for THEME
- nordtheme
- solarized-256dark
- solarized-ansi-light
- bliss
- dracula
- one-dark
- solarized-ansi-dark
- solarized-ansi-universal
The default value is dark-one
If you know any other color scheme, I would love to include it. Please let me know by creating an issue.