This repository contains the modified source code of the Open Source Spatial Electrification Tool (OnSSET) that was developed to support the functionalities of the Global electrification Platform.
- the modified source code of the OnSSET model used in the GEP
- GEP Generator.ipynb user-friendly scenario runner developed as a jupyter notebook for easy replication of GEP Explorer scenarios
- scenario runner using IDE console preferred for for stand alone calibration and/or multiple scenario runs
- test_data directory condains input data files for testing:
- sl-2-country-inputs-calibrated.csv (primary input file for Sierra Leone-- calibrated)
- sl-2-specs_calibrated.xlsx (specs file for Sierra Leone -- after calibration)
- sample_output directory contains indicative results of the electrification model
- sl-2-1_0_0_0_0_1.csv (sample full result file for Sierra Leone)
- sl-2-1_0_0_0_0_1_summary.csv (sample summary result file for Sierra Leone)
- docs directory contains supporting project documentation
- gep_onsset_env.yml environment info for setting up package requirements related for all supporting processes in this repository
More information on how to replicate, run and interprate results are available in user's guide.
For any questions, feedback or general inquiries please to not hesitate to contact the development team.
The World Bank
- Benjamin Stewart [email protected]
- Alexandros Korkovelos [email protected]
- Andreas Sahlberg [email protected]
- Babak Khavari [email protected]
For any other inquiries and potential collaboration please refer to