Fathom Training App - Utils to help with training fathom
- Postgres
Setup instructions:
- Make a conda or virtual environment - only python 3.8 has been tested - and activate.
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
pre-commit install
createdb <dbname> -U postgres --password <password>
- make a
file, and add lineexport DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:<password>@<dbname>
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py runserver
Server should now be running at localhost
- To create a superuser account:
./manage.py createsuperuser
- To update static files:
./manage.py collectstatic
Linting should run on pre-commit, or with:
black .
To run the tests, check your test coverage, and generate an HTML coverage report::
$ coverage run -m pytest
$ coverage html
$ open htmlcov/index.html
Running tests with py.test
$ pytest
Setup a google storage bucket and set acl for gsutil acl -r ch -u AllUsers:R gs://BUCKET/FOLDER
Install production requirements pip install -r requirements/production.txt
Set environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
to config.settings.production
to ensure that we're using production settings.
Need a .env
file with, at least, the following entries:
- DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT=False (otherwise will have a hard time running locally)
Production settings will look for a cloudsql database. If you want to connect to the production database or a test cloud database you've setup, use cloud sql proxy. The settings are currently setup to expect the proxy port to be at 5454, so set cloud sql proxy appropriately (./cloud_sql_proxy -instances="<instance id\>"=tcp:5454
With all that setup, should be able to run manage.py runserver
and check things are working as expected (ish).
Tip: If you forgot to set DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT locally and ran the local server and got a message like "You're accessing the development server over HTTPS, but it only supports HTTP", make sure you clear browser cache before attempting to re-access having set the environment variable as the https redirect will be saved.
Deployment is generally handled on Travis.
Need a .env
file with, at least, the following entries:
run gcloud sql instances describe <instance_id> | grep connectionName
instance_id is from in https://console.cloud.google.com/sql/instances.)
The deploy/pre_deploy_script.py
(a) Compiles a requirements.txt file (because the GAE docker file, looks for that first before copying all the app files over)
(b) Builds the app.yaml
(b) Builds a .env
file with production variables from TravisCI encrypted variables.
It then uses Travis' built in GAE deployment integration to effectively call gcloud app deploy
If there are db migrations necessary, then these must be manually.
If db migrations are necessary, use the appropriate steps from "To run production environment locally" and run ./manage.py migrate
python deploy/pre_deploy_script.py
gcloud app deploy
warning the deploy script expects the .env variables to be environment variables, that are then copied into a .env.
Because that's how things work on travis. If you have an existing .env it will be overridden. So either comment out the
function in the deploy script or make sure the right variables are environment variables.
If new static files to update:
./manage.py collectstatic
gsutil rsync -r staticfiles gs://BUCKET/FOLDER
If trying to debug, the --verbosity=debug
flag is very useful.
If db migrations are necessary, use the appropriate steps from "To run production environment locally" and run ./manage.py migrate
On Google, needed a service account with:
- App Engine Admin
- Cloud Build Service Account
- Storage Adming
Following articles were useful:
- https://codeburst.io/beginners-guide-to-deploying-a-django-postgresql-project-on-google-cloud-s-flexible-app-engine-e3357b601b91
- https://cloud.google.com/solutions/continuous-delivery-with-travis-ci#create_a_service_account
- https://medium.com/coinmonks/continuous-integration-with-google-application-engine-and-travis-d822b751fb47