Analysis code and Flywheel gears for all projects under the LDOG protocol
- Python3 (Python2 should also work but not tested)
- ANTs
- Freesurfer
- altAntsBrainExtraction -
- ITK-Snap
- nibabel
- matplotlib
- imageio
- pandas
- numpy
1 - MPRAGE images are bias corrected.
"N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -i |IMAGE| -o |OUTPUT|"
2 - If more than one MPRAGE is used, they are linearly registered together.
" -d 3 -t |TRANSFORM-TYPE| -f |FIXED| -m |MOVING| -o |OUTPUT| -n 6"
3 - Registered MPRAGES are averaged.
"AverageImages 3 |OUTPUT| 1 |/images/*|
4 - A brain extraction mask is created with FSL Bet.
5 - Segmentation function from altAntsBrainExtraction is used to skull strip. The mask obtained from the previous stage is used here.
" --input |WHOLE-HEAD IMAGE| --initial-brain-mask |MASK| --bias-correct 0 --output-root |OUTPUT ROOT NAME|
6 - The images are non-linearly registered (warped) to a skull stripped canine template (Datta et al., 2012) and a warp image and deformation matrix were obtained.
"antsRegistrationSyN -d 3 -f |TEMPLATE| -m |T1| -o |OUTPUT_NAME|"
1 - Topup is performed on the data for AP and PA directions:
a) Two single-rep images are merged together
"fslmerge -a |AP+PA.nii.gz| |AP_image.nii.gz| |PA_image.nii.gz|
b) Field map is calculated using the merged image and acquisition parameters text file which includes the phase encoding directions and times:
"topup --imain=|AP+PA.nii.gz| --datain=|Acqparams.txt| --config=b02b0.cnf --out=topup_results --iout=b0_unwarped --fout=fieldmap_Hz"
c) Correction is applied to each EPI image:
"applytopup --imain=EPI_AP.nii.gz --inindex=1 --method=jac --datatin=Acqparams.txt --topup=topup_results --out=corrected.nii.gz"
"applytopup --imain=EPI_PA.nii.gz --inindex=2 --method=jac --datatin=Acqparams.txt --topup=topup_results --out=corrected.nii.gz"
2 - Motion correction is performed. Topup corrected AP scout image is used as the target. Time derivatives and squares are calculated.
"mcflirt -in |INPUT| -o |OUTPUT| -reffile |TARGET IMAGE| -dof 12 -plots
3 - The warp field and affine matrix obtained from the ldog_struct gear is applied to each time series.
"antsApplyTransforms --float --default-value 0 --input |INPUT| --input-image-type 3 --interpolation Linear --output |OUTPUT| --reference-image |TARGET| --transform |WARP| --transform |AFFINE MAT|"
4 - Using the template as reference the BOLD images are skull stripped.
1 - Data is smoothed:
"fslmaths |INPUT| -kernel gauss |VALUE| -fmean |OUTPUT|
2 - Signal is converted to percentage change
1 - For fMRI analysis, the preprocessed images are used as inputs for the forwardModel gear which performs non-linear model fitting.
2 - Maps are warped to the ex-vivo surface template with a 3-step registration:
a) Linear registration to the original surfer volume (located in Woofsurfer/mri/T1.nii)
"flirt -in |INVIVO| -ref |T1.nii| -out |OUTPUT_LINEAR_IMAGE| -omat |OUTPUT MATRIX| -bins 256 -cost corratio -searchrx -180 180 -searchry -180 180 -searchrz -180 180 -dof 12 -interp trilinear
b) The omat obtained from above step is coverted to ITK style matrix by using ITK-Snap tool
"c3d_affine_tool -ref |T1.nii| -src |INVIVO| |FSL OUTPUT MATRIX| -fsl2ras -oitk |ITK NEW MATRIX NAME.mat|
c) A warp between the output of the step a) and original surfer volume
" -d 3 -t so -f |T1.nii| -m |OUTPUT_LINEAR_IMAGE| -o |OUTPUT| -n 6
d) Applying the warp by combining the linear matrix with the warp field
"antsApplyTransforms --float --default-value 0 --input |INPUT_MAP| --input-image-type 3 --interpolation Linear --output |FINAL_MAP| --reference-image |T1.nii| --transform |WARP| --transform |GENERIC_AFFINE| --transform |AFFINE MAT_converted_from_fsl|"
3 - Create a register.dat matrix by using an FSL identity matrix. Using the output of the previous step (final warped image) as the moving and target:
"tkregister2 --mov |ALREADY_WARPED_INVIVO| --fsl |IDENTITY.MAT| --targ |ALREADY_WARPED_INVIVO| --noedit --reg register.dat"
4 - Create surface maps. Using the output of the previous step (final warped image) as the moving and target again:
"mri_vol2surf --mov |ALREADY_WARPED_INVIVO| --ref |ALREADY_WARPED_INVIVO| --reg |REGISTER.DAT| --srcsubject Woofsurfer --hemi |WHICH HEMI| --o |OUTPUT|