This is an APL / BQN Keyboard written for use with Pythonista 3. It can then be used system-wide on IOS devices.
- Since iOS devices vary in size, there is now a (fairly dumb) script to scale the keyboard layouts as needed.
- Added examples of scaled keyboards that work on my devices (feel free to suggest others)
- First you’ll need to have the Pythonista Keyboard enabled on your device per the documentation.
- Next you’ll need to install the files from this repository in Pythonista. (I have them under “This Phone”.)
- Then you’ll have to let the Python Keyboard know to use this module.
- Find the top level Pythonista menu
- Click on the Settings icon in the lower right
- Open Pythonista Keyboard
- Click on the + at the top to add this module
- Supply the name of the module (i.e. APLKeyboard) and a title and pick an icon and/or color
- I needed to restart my iPhone to pick up the addition of the new keyboard the first time
- You should be good to go!
The script is sitting in your version of Pythonista so feel free to make whatever modifications seem appropriate. I tried to pull out the colors to the script to make it easier to modify.
Still, feel free to open issues and/or post pull requests. I’ll merge them if they seem generally useful.