Take screenshots of HAR Viewer.
harviewer-screenshot --help
--hv-url HAR Viewer URL.
[required] [default: "http://gitgrimbo.github.io/harviewer/master/"]
--har HAR URL or file path. Can be provided zero or more times.
--harp HARP URL or file path. Can be provided zero or more times.
--hv-page-idx Index of the page to open. [default: 0]
--hv-width Width of viewport. [default: 1280]
--hv-height Height of viewport. Defaults to full
--hv-show-stats Show the stats or not. [boolean] [default: false]
--hv-show-timeline Show the timeline or not. [boolean] [default: false]
--dest Filename for the screenshot. [default: "harviewer.png"]
--help Show help [boolean]
harviewer-screenshot --har http://localhost:8080/hars/myhar.har --hv-page-idx 4 --hv-width 1024
The HAR URL must point to a server supporting CORS. http-server
can be
used to serve local files with CORS. For example:
npm install -g http-server
http-server --cors
If the --har
argument is a valid file path, a local HTTP server is started
to serve this file to HAR Viewer. E.g.:
harviewer-screenshot --har local-file.har
will start a HTTP server (on a random available port) and output something like the following:
Started local server on port 3933
Creating page
Opening http://gitgrimbo.github.io/harviewer/master/?har=http://localhost:3933/c:/path/to/local-file.har
E.g. (on Windows):
type x.har | harviewer-screenshot
const screenshot = require("./lib/screenshot");
const opts = {
hvUrl: "http://gitgrimbo.github.io/harviewer/master/?har=http://localhost:8080/my-har.har",
hvPageIdx: 0,
hvWidth: 1280,
hvHeight: 1024,
dest: "harviewer.png"
npm run lint
- Customisation
- Timeouts.
- Remove tabs/button/extraneous chrome.
- Custom pre-processing of HARs
- Filter
(E.g. if HAR has several pages but you're only interested in one/some).
- Filter
MIT © Paul Grime