The utilities in this repo use
data from the browser to try and determine if the page (and its resources) was
loaded from cache.
The Resource Timing spec is available at
The main objectives of this repo are to provide ways to
- capture
data from a web page. - provide an is-page-cached API that uses the captured data.
To see the sorts of results captured:
const api = require("./src/shared/cache-query");
let entries = performance.getEntriesByType("resource");
entries = entries.filter(/* filter resources as required */);
// No options
// Only visits that strictly have all (duration === 0ms)
// and/or accessible (transferSize === 0) are considered cached.
// With options
// E.g. treat durations less than 5ms as cached.
api.areEntriesCached(entries, {
durationThreshold: {
cachedIfLowerThan: 5
// With options
// E.g. treat durations greater than 50ms as uncached.
api.areEntriesCached(entries, {
durationThreshold: {
uncachedIfHigherThan: 50
Functional tests are used to capture
data from a test web page.
Start local Selenium. E.g. if you have downloaded Selenium Standalone, run:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-x.y.z.jar
Run the tests. This will run tests, gather data, and submit to the capture server. Edit the environments property in intern-functional-standalone.js for the browsers you have installed.
See Client.
There are several components:
- A client JS file that can be inserted into the PUT (page under test) to beacon back resource data.
- A bookmarklet JS file that can be run manually on the PUT if the PUT has a strict CSP (Content Security Policy) (i.e. does not allow 3rd party scripts).
- A capture server that receives and saves the beaconed resource data.
- CLI apps to query the stored resource data.
Those components are documented individually:
First, the browser needs to support the Resource Timing API:
As of 21/07/2016 the most obvious omissions are IE9, Safari, iOS Safari and Opera Mini.
Next, the browser will only expose certain timings according to cross-origin restrictions:
- Same-domain resource: All timings available.
- Cross-origin resource: Following timings not available without an explicit
HTTP response header.- redirectStart, redirectEnd, domainLookupStart, domainLookupEnd, connectStart, connectEnd, requestStart, responseStart, and secureConnectionStart.
There is no specific API to determine if a resource was served from browser cache, so the following generalisations must be made:
- Chrome <54 - Duration will be zero or 'close to zero' (few ms) if the resource came from browser cache.
- Chrome 54 - The Resource Timing API now supports transfer, encoded, and decoded size attributes, allowing developers to measure cache hit rates and byte usage.
- Firefox 35-44 - Check for duration as zero or 'close to zero' (few ms).
- Firefox >=45
- if same-origin then check transferSize is zero.
- if cross-origin and passes the timing allow check algorithm then check transferSize is zero.
- if cross-origin and fails the timing allow check then use duration as above.
- Edge 13 - Check for duration as zero or 'close to zero' (few ms).
- Edge 14 - Check for duration as zero or 'close to zero' (few ms).
- IE11 - Check for duration as zero or 'close to zero' (few ms).
- IE10 - Check for duration as zero or 'close to zero' (few ms).
- IE9 - Resource Timing not supported.
- Safari 8 and 9 - Resource Timing not supported.
MIT © Paul Grime