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Merge branch 'start-migrating-to-hugo'
We are about to embark in a major undertaking, an epic undertaking even, seeing as it started in February 2017 with the first attempt to migrate the site to Jekyll: #942. The original motivation was to simplify the setup of the site: a static site is a lot easier to manage and to develop than a Rails App. But in October 2022, a new reason entered the fray: Heroku stopped their free tier and ever since has required sponsorship whose funding could be put to better use elsewhere. Hence this effort was picked back up almost precisely a year ago by Victoria Dye and myself, and we got really far, so far that pretty much everything worked (or was at least sketched out and proven to work). The major problem was that Jekyll required 20 minutes (!!!) just to render the site. Therefore we pivoted to using Hugo instead, which turned out to be a smart choice: It takes about half a minute to render the entire site. This topic branch starts the migration from the Rails App to a Hugo-generated static site. The main themes of the subsequent migration are: - We will move the original Rails App files that contain Rails code mixed into HTML to `content/`, where the files defining the pages live in the Hugo world, then modify them to drop the Rails code and replace it with Hugo constructs. More often than not, we separate the commits that move the files from the commits that adjust the contents, to help Git realize that there has been a move (as opposed to a delete/add). This allows for noticing upstream changes that need to be reflected in moved & modified files when rebasing to upstream. - In Hugo setups, the files live in the following locations: - `hugo.yml` This is the central configuration file that tells Hugo how to render the site. - `content/` This defines the content of the pages that are served. Only a subset of Hugo's functionality is available here (the idea is to leave the complicated stuff to the layout used to render the pages). Most, but not all, of the files living in this directory tree are HTML files that are generated (and then committed) using external repositories, e.g. the ProGit book and its translations. - `layouts/` This is where the "boiler plate" is defined that ties the site together, i.e. the header, the footer and the sidebar as well as the main scaffolding in which the pages' content is to be rendered. This is the location where most of Hugo's functionality is available and complex stuff can happen such as looping or accessing site parameters. - `layouts/partials/` This directory contains recurring templates, i.e. reusable partial layouts that are used to structure the elements of the site. This includes the side bar, how videos are rendered, etc. - `layouts/shortcodes/` This directory contains so-called "shortcodes", i.e. reusable elements similar to partial layouts. The major difference is that shortcodes can be used within `content/` while partial layouts can only be used from within `layouts/`. See for more information on this topic. - `static/` These files are not processed by Hugo, but copied as-are. Good for images, for example. - `assets/` These files are processed in specific ways. That is where the SASS-based style sheets live, for example. - `data/` These files define metadata that can be used in Hugo's functions. For example, it will contain the list of documentation categories that are rendered in various ways. - In contrast to most Hugo-managed sites, we will refrain from using a Hugo theme, and instead stick with the existing style sheets. Likewise, we refrain from using Markdown at all: The existing site did not use it, therefore it makes little sense to start using it now. - In addition to Hugo's directories, we also have these: - `script/` This directory contains scripts to perform recurring tasks such as rendering Git's manual pages into HTML that are then stored inside `contents/docs/`. For historical reasons, these are Ruby scripts for the most part, as it is easier to follow the development when that functionality is extracted from the current Rails App and turned into Ruby scripts that can be run stand-alone. - `.github/workflows/` and `.github/actions/` The latter directory contains a file that defines a custom GitHub Action that accommodates for the lack of Hugo support in GitHub Pages: By default, only Jekyll pages are supported out of the box, but Hugo sites require a custom GitHub workflow to deploy the site. The former directory contains files that define GitHub workflows that are typically run on a schedule, updating the various parts that are generated from external sources: the Git version, the ProGit Book, manual pages, etc. These workflows essentially keep the rendered HTML files in `content/` up to date with the respective external repositories. - `_generated-asciidoc/` This directory serves as a cache of "expanded AsciiDoc": many of Git's manual pages include content from other files, and therefore it is non-trivial to determine whether or not a manual page has changed and needs to be re-rendered (essentially, the only way is to expand them by inlining the `include`d files). Caching this content speeds up updating the manual pages drastically. - Most of the core logic lives in `layouts/`. Hugo discerns between logic that is allowed in `layouts/` and logic that is allowed in `content/`; The latter can only access so-called "shortcodes" These shortcodes are free to use the entire set of Hugo's functionality. tl;dr whenever we need to do something complicated that is confined to only a few pages, we have to implement it in `layouts/shortcodes/` and insert the corresponding `{{< shortcode-name >}}` in the page itself. Whenever we need to something complicated that is used in more places, it is implemented elsewhere in `layouts/`. - Some of the logic that cannot be performed statically (such as telling the user how long ago the latest macOS installer was released, or adjusting the Windows downloads to reflect the CPU architecture indicated by the current user agent) are implemented using Javascript instead. - The site search needs to move to the client side, as there is no longer a server that can perform that functionality. Luckily, Pagefind ( matured in the meantime, a very performant client-side search solution implemented in Javascript that relies on a search index that is generated at build time and that is served incrementally, as needed, via static files. This is what we use, then. Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <[email protected]>
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