A c++ implementation of k-d tree
- A c++ implementation of k-d tree
- Header-only library
- Provides following Nearest neighbor search functions
- Nearest neighbor search
- K-nearest neighbor search
- Radius search
- KDTree class takes a user-defined Point type as its template parameter
- A user-defined Point type needs to satisfy following specifications
- Implementation of operator[] <= accessor to its coordinates
- Static member variable DIM <= dimension of the Point
- Passing point cloud to KDTree constructor starts to build k-d tree
- After building k-d tree, you can use Nearest neighbor search functions
#include "kdtree.h"
// user-defined Point type (inherits std::array in order to use operator[])
class MyPoint : public std::array<double, 2>
// dimension of the Point
static const int DIM = 2;
// As you want
// ...
int main()
// generate point cloud
std::vector<MyPoint> points = ...;
// build k-d tree
kdt::KDTree<MyPoint> kdtree(points);
// K-nearest neighbor search (gets indices to neighbors)
int k = 10;
MyPoint query = ...;
std::vector<int> indices = kdtree.knnSearch(query, k);
return 0;
- OpenCV (only for running sample code)
$ git clone https://github.com/gishi523/kd-tree.git
$ cd kd-tree
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
./kdtree [seed]
- seed
- Seed of rand() in generating random point cloud