Analysis of Boston OpenStreetMap data to explore and curate the Boston Open Street Map:
- Problems encountered in the map:
- Audit type of tags
- Audit street names
- Audit postal codes
- Audit 'tourism' tags
- Overview of data:
- Size of the files
- Number of nodes and ways
- Number of unique users
- Top 10 contributing users
- Top 10 tourism types
- Top 10 values and counts in leisure tags and tourism tags that the top contributor had curated
- Maximum number of nodes required for way elements with the top 10 tourism tags
- Other ideas about the dataset:
- More on curating the street names -- street number in front of the street name
- Looking at 'addr:street' audit as a case study for the Boston OSM quality
- Looking at 'museum' tags as a case study for the Boston OSM quality
All Python codes used for the project are also included in the folder along with the report for the analysis.
- Python
- data wrangling