A first-order logic theorem prover.
- Python 3.7 (for
decorator) - pyparsing 2.3.1
Available on pip, install with pip install pyparsing
python3 main.py
The program asks for a Prolog-like knowledge base file and for a query.
There's an included example file called underground
Example usage:
$ python main.py
input file: ./underground
input query: reachable(tottenham_court_road,leicester_square, R)
backward_chain{ (reachable(tottenham_court_road, leicester_square, R)) }: True
result: (reachable(tottenham_court_road, leicester_square, (list())))
Variables: upper case +
Literals: lower case +
N-ary relations are supported, name same as literals
(A & B) => C
(implication) becomesC :- A, B
Body of clause
Lists: brackets, comma-separated
[a, B, foo(bar, Q)]
Every clause must end with
Clauses are resolved using the order provided in the KB file. If there is a cycle it will be detected and can be corrected by changing the clauses' order.
C-style comments supported
/* file: happy.pl */
smiles(P, Q) :- happy(P).
happy(P) :- loves(P, Q), rested(P).
loves(mary, johnny).
loves(P,Q) :- loves(Q,P).
$ python main.py
input file: happy.pl
input query: happy(X)
backward_chain{ (happy(X)) }: True
result: (happy(johnny))
Thanks to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28398903 for Python implementation of Visitor pattern! :)