These are my personal vimfiles. These are personal, if you want to use it, do it with care. Read the whole thing!
I am using Vim both on Ubuntu and Windows. Right now there are some nice bundles, like NERDTree. I use Vim mostly for script editing in general.
git clone --recursive ~/.vim
echo "source ~/.vim/.vimrc" > ~/.vimrc
cd ~/.vim
git clone --recursive ~/.vim
# or git clone --recursive [email protected]:giggio/vimfiles.git ~/.vim
# I'm using scoop to install Python, adapt at your will:
Set-Content -NoNewline -Path ~/_vimrc -Value "let `$PYTHONHOME = '$env:USERPROFILE\scoop\apps\python\current\'`nsource $($($env:USERPROFILE).Replace('\', '/'))/.vim/.vimrc`n"
cd ~/.vim
Notes on Windows' version: The normal Vim home (runtimepath
) would be at
, but this is changed to ~/.vim
so that Linux and Windows work the
same way.