This simple project provides an initial testing environment for Kafka-Python. The aim of the project is that of pulling pricing data from the Coinbase API and calculating the change in price of the cryptocurrency using "real time" streaming.
In order for the code to run successfully, the following are required:
- Python v3.10
- Kafka-Python v2.0.2
- Kafka v3.2.0 (with relevant server and brokers setup accordingly, for further information on this visit
- cd into the downloaded kafka installation folder and build the project
./gradlew jar -PscalaVersion=2.13.6
- Startup the bootstrap server
bin/ config/
- Start the kafka server
bin/ config/
- Proceed to create the relevant kafka topic to which the bitcoin prices will be sent on the kafka server
bin/ --create --bootstrap-server localhost:<localhost port> --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic <topic name>
- Verify topic creation
- list topics
bin/ --list --bootstrap-server localhost:<localhost port>
- describe topics
bin/ --describe --bootstrap-server localhost:<localhost port> --topic <topic name>
- Make a copy of the .env.sample file and save as .env in the same location
- Source the .env file within the project
- Edit model/ according to the user requirements
- Startup Kafka consumer from CLI
python activate-consumer
- Startup Kafka producer from CLI
python produce
- The Bitcoin prices will be printed to the CLI (by default every 30 seconds)