Nvim plugin to generate random variable names similar to docker container names
In my own development and testing I often want to create random variable names on the fly to ensure tests are unique and didn't want to rely on an external library.
- packer:
- insert random variable name at current location:
lua require("boring_wozniak").random()
- returns random variable as a string:
lua require('boring_wozniak).random_string()
My current implementation uses the insertion via the vim api + remap in insert mode:
vim.keymap.set("i", ",r", require("boring_wozniak").random, { noremap = true, silent = true })
- add random_string() to return the string instead of using vim api to insert at current location
- have the random() function place cursor at the end of the word instead of the beginning
- add functionality to pass in your own lists to generate random names from
- example: people = {"anne", "john", ... "hodor"} -> nifty_hodor
- add functionality to decide how to format name
- example: adjective_animal, animal_adjective, adjective_person -> ibex_fast
- add memory cache to prevent same variable (maybe just in session?)