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🏹 api
🏹 api
Marks issues or changes related to APIs.
♻️ deploy
♻️ deploy
Used for issues related to the deployment process or server configuration.
📄 docs
📄 docs
Used for issues that involve creating, updating, or improving documentation.
🛠️ feature
🛠️ feature
Attached to issues that involve adding new features or extending existing ones.
🐛 fix
🐛 fix
Identifies issues that involve bug fixes or error resolutions.
🧹 refactor
🧹 refactor
Used for issues aimed at code refactoring or internal structural improvements.
⚙️ setting
⚙️ setting
Used for issues dealing with project settings or configurations.
🎨 style
🎨 style
Denotes non-functional changes like code formatting, cleanups, or style updates.