Meteor package for the Mollie payment gateway
var mollieAPIKey = ''; // Fill in your (test) api key here
mollie = new Mollie.API.Client;
Create payment
amount: "10.00",
description: "Short description of payment",
redirectUrl: Meteor.absoluteUrl() + "url/where/mollie/redirects/to",
webhookUrl: Meteor.absoluteUrl() + "api/mollie/payment/" + paymentId,
metadata: {
order_id: paymentId
}, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(payment) {
// do something with the payment object
// contains the paymentUrl to redirect to for the user to start the payment
Check for payment
mollie.payments.get(paymentId, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function (molliePayment) {
if (molliePayment.status === 'paid') {
// it has been paid
} else {
// not paid
// molliePayment.status === 'open'
// molliePayment.status === 'canceled'
// molliePayment.status === 'error'
Make sure you are using the Meteor.bindEnvironment() wrapper for the callback functions.
See the Npm module documentation for further details:
See the mollie API documentation for all info: