RabbitMQ config - connect to rabbitmq on port 5672 - default username/password = guest/guest
Create the following 3 queues
Grouper or G2 or G3
On the Exchanges tab:
Create bindings for routing based on all messages to queue or on routing_key to cause messages to be sent to queues named:
- consumer.py will simultaneously read from the above 3 queues
- In grouper, the Grouper queue is configured to receive every changelog entry as a message.
See grouper configs in Grouper Demo TIER repo for grouper-loader and grouper.client configs
- The University of Hawaii code developed by Unicon sends AMQP messages and can be configured to send to a topic which then routes messages based on routing_key so you can selectively displlay which queue gets messages.
- Hawaii code is at https://github.com/Unicon/grouper-amqp-esb-publisher
- The Hawaii code is the more powerful solution but, seeing everything Grouper generates is also useful. A request was made to include the key differences in the Hawaii code and include them in Grouper.
In Admin, create an account called readerG2 with password readerG2 with no privs and allow it to read any queue on virtual host /
docker-compose build demo-message-consumer
creates docker container with consumer.py and installs python3.7 (latest) and adds pika for AMQP handling
docker-compose run --rm demo-message-consumer
executes container with python script