What’s Changed
This release brings many improvements but also new features:
- OkHttp Interceptor for Android (#1330)
- GraalVM Native Image Compatibility (#1329)
- Add option to ignore exceptions by type (#1352)
- Enrich transactions with device contexts (#1430) (#1469)
- Better interoperability with Kotlin null-safety (#1439) and (#1462)
- Add coroutines support (#1479)
- OkHttp callback for Customising the Span (#1478)
- Add breadcrumb in Spring RestTemplate integration (#1481)
Breaking changes:
Other fixes:
- Fix: Add attachmentType to envelope ser/deser. (#1504)
Thank you:
- @maciejwalkowiak for coding most of it.
Packages were released on mavenCentral
We'd love to get feedback.