For Mac :
$ git clone <project_github_url_here>
$ cd <project_name>
$ npm install
$ create .env file, then fill it out
- DB_URL=<mongo_uri>
- PORT:3000
When the installation completes, open the http://localhost:3000/api/v1/records`.
For that project, we've only one endpoint which is /api/v1/records
- sample payload
"startDate" : "2016-01-01",
"endDate": "2018-10-01",
"minCount": 499,
"maxCount": 500
- sample response
"code": 0,
"msg": "Success",
"records": [
"key": "UdVAhvel",
"createdAt": "2016-10-29T01:57:38.537Z",
"totalCount": 499
- Sample api request and response on Postman
- Sample bad request to get validation error on Postman
- Jest + supertest