This framework provides the class "VideoFramework" to easily create videos using MATLAB.
- a reasonably recent version of MATLAB
- ffmpeg
- create video with predefined number of frames
- choose frame rate
- fw/bw/fwbw (forward, backward, forward-backward) mode to create videos in reverse and videos that loop
- encode using ffmpeg or MATLAB built-in encoder
- saves individual frames as PNG
- supports high resolutions
To preview the example video and create the video files, type the following
>> e = ExampleVideo
>> e.preview
>> e.createVideo
To encode the video without recreating the PNG files, use the command
>> e.encode
To make your own video, copy the ExampleVideo class and rename it. Implement general settings and precalculations in init() and the code to draw the n-th frame in drawFrame(). The other functions are inherited from the VideoFramework class.
VideoFrameworkMATLAB is licensed under the MIT license.
Author: Gerhard Kurz
Mail: kurz.gerhard (at) gmail (dot) com