v3.2.2 [2021-04]
Tools added:
- DESeq2 preprocess : Compute differential abundancy analysis
- DESeq2 visualisation : Create table and plots to explore and illustrate the differential abundant OTUs
- Filters has been splitted into to new tools : FROGS OTU Filters and FROGS Affiliations Filters.
- FROGS OTU Filters filters OTU on presence/absence, abundances and contamination as Filters did. For contamination research, user may now use a personnal multifasta contaminant reference.
- FROGS Affiliation Filters delete OTU or mask affiliation that do not respect affiliation metrics criteria, or affiliated to undesirable (partial) taxon.
- FROGS datamanager is now available to manage affiliation reference database (frogs_db.loc for affiliation_OTU tool) thanks to @davidchristiany.
Contaminant database added
- add Arabidopsis thaliana chroloroplast sequence
ITSx : add organism model option scanning, change default behavior regarding the trimming of conserved regions
Use english typo for normalise and visualise
rename phix_db.loc in contaminant_db.loc
update tool dependencies version