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Georg Felgitsch edited this page Aug 16, 2016 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the SMTP Test Tool wiki!

The tool is currently divided into three tabs to divide the different functions. To find out more about each function have a look at the corresponding wiki pages:

Shared features among all tabs

The last ten values you are using in the drop down lists for server, from address, to address are consistent among all tabs and are stored in the file config.xml in the main directory. The changes are written as soon as as a message is sent out or a connection to a server is established.

The status bar in the bottom of the main window displays the current version and some additional information. After every startup the tool performs an online lookup to see if a newer version of the tool is available. If yes, the user gets a notification in this bar.

Change log

If you are interested in the development path of the project have a look at the change log.


  • The STARTTLS and TLS in general are currently not supported. Sending a STARTTLS command will terminate the TCP session.

  • Currently you can only import messages in EML format.

  • SMTP Authentication is not supported.

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