This repository contains the codes to replicate the figures and the statictical tests of our behavioral work about shapes at multiple scales.
Jacob G & Arun SP (2020) How the forest interacts with the trees: Multiscale shape integration explains global and local processing. Journal of Vision (in press).
BioRxiv :
This folder contains the Matlab codes to create the figure pannels.
1.1 figure 05d : Seven representative shapes used in MDS plots when refering to global scale alone.
1.2 subfunctions : Dependent matlab subfunctions to used by the each of the figure panel codes.
figure_XX : Matlab code (.m file) to generate each figure panel of the manuscript.
L2_XX : There is an L2_xx.mat corresponding to each experiment (L2_SD.mat-exp01, LSmain.mat-exp02, L2_GLIE.mat-exp03, L2_IEpossizenum.mat-exp04, L2_pos2.mat-exp05 and L2_IE_grouping.mat-exp06). This data stucture is formed by pooling the data from all the participants of the experiment.
This folder contains the R codes used find the statistical significance.
2.1 Exp01_BlockwiseSameDifferent_HierarchicalShapes : All files used to report stats based on experiment-1
2.2 Exp02_VisualSearch_HierarchicalShapes : All files used to report stats based on experiment-2
multiscale_stats_summary.xlsx : Summary of all the Linear Mixed model reported in the manuscripts.
FIG_XX.R : R codes to check the statistical significance of the effect. There is a separate code for each subpanel.
FIG_SX.pdf : R generated pdf files for supplimentary figure-1
GDLD_Global_Advantage_LMMoutputs.txt : Linear Mixed Model model output for GDLD pairs with blocks and image pairs as fixed factors and Subjects as random factor.
SAME_DIFFERENT_EXP.csv : Exp-01 data in csv format. All the R analysis is based on this csv file.
create_data_csv_EXP_01_SD.m : Matlab code to generate the csv file from the L2_SD.mat (Consolidated experimental data of Exp-01)
FigurXX.R : Rcodes to check the statistical significance of the effects in exp02. There are separate codes for each panel.
GL_VS.csv : Exp 01 data in csv format.
VS_distractor_congruence.csv : Estimated target congruence RT data for doing the stats on Figure 4G top panel.
VS_target_congruence.csv : Estimated distractor congruence RT data for doing the stats on Figure 4G bottom panel.