Satisfactory Server Manager (SSM) is a webpage designed to manage and control multiple satisfactory dedicated server instances.
As a note this project has been tested with the Early Access Satisfactory dedicated servers. SSM is subject to change.
SSM Has been tested and approved on Windows 10 Pro, Windows Server 2019 and Ubuntu 20.04.
When installing on Windows 10/11 you MUST have the Pro edition installed.
It is advised that SSM is installed on one of these operating systems.
If you are running on a Windows 10/11 workstation make sure you have enabled Virtualisation in the BIOS.
During our testing we have found that running more than 4 server instances can be detrimental to dedicated server gameplay.
We Recommend not installing SSM in a docker/container but rather on the Host or in a VM.
Debian / Ubuntu:
Install: wget -q -O - | bash
Update: wget -q -O - | bash /dev/stdin "--update"
Open a PowerShell window as administrator and run the following commands:
Download Install Script: Invoke-WebRequest -Out install.ps1
Install: .\install.ps1
Update: .\install.ps1 -update $true
Debian / Ubuntu:
Uninstall: wget -q -O - |bash
- Install nodejs (tested on v12.13.1)
- Install Docker Desktop
- Git clone this repo
- Install Dependencies:
bash ./tools/ -i -u
yarn start
to start the webpage- Open up http://localhost:3000
- Login with the following credientals:
User Name: admin Password: ssm
yarn watch
to bundle client js files -
bash ./tools/
to minify css files