AdvertHelper is a C# helper for Mxit that takes care of Shinka Ad requests and display for C# based Mxit Applications.
AdvertHelper 1.2.2
30 August 2012
This is the first stable release of this helper.
For transparency and insight into our release cycle, and for striving to maintain backward compatibility, AdvertHelper will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible.
Releases will be numbered with the following format:
And constructed with the following guidelines:
- Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch)
- New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch)
- Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch
For more information on SemVer, please see the included document.
- You will need to download and use the Mxit-Net-Communications-Helper or replace the “RedirectRequest” call to point to your own client object.
- Due to a problem with displaying HTTP links in the C# API we have had to create a work around that displays the HTTP link to Shinka adverts in a Mobi App page. The redirect to the Mobi page is transparent to the user. To leverage our work around, you will also need redirect access to the PlayInc Mobi App, or you will need to write your own work around for this purpose if you don’t use our solution.
Add the project to your solution in Visual Studio
Check that all the references work, you might need to fix the references to:
- misc.util
- log4net
Compile and check for errors
You will need to add the following values to your app.config file
<add key="ExternalAppName" value="yourserviceidfromthemxitdashboard"/> <add key="OpenX_URL" value=""/> <add key="OpenX_AdUnitID_120" value= "XXXXXX"/> <add key="OpenX_AdUnitID_180" value= "XXXXXX"/> <add key="OpenX_AdUnitID_240" value= "XXXXXX"/> <add key="OpenX_AdUnitID_320" value= "XXXXXX"/> <add key="isShowShinkaBannerAd" value= "1"/> <add key="bannerAdTimeout" value= "2500"/>
Add the following statement to your Controller class:
if (messageReceived.Body.StartsWith(".clickad")) { AdvertModule.AdvertHelper.Instance.handleUserClickedOnAdLink(messageReceived,userInfo); IsSendMessage = false; }
Add this call to your Controller.Start (or similar) method
Call this public function on the library for where you want to add the Ad banner:
AdvertModule.AdvertHelper.Instance.appendShinkaBannerAd(ref messageToSend, userInfo);
You can retrieve the userInfo object via the Mxit getUser call upon the users first access of your app, and should be caching it in your database, and loading it into the user's session upon user's logon to your app.
If you wish to contribute to AdvertHelper for C#, please read the file.
If you find code in this release behaving in an unexpected manner or contrary to its documented behavior, please create an issue in the AdvertHelper issue tracker at:
The files in this archive are released under the open source BSD-3 license. You can find a copy of this license in LICENSE.txt.
The AdvertHelper team would like to thank all the contributors to the project. Please visit us sometime soon at