The following quantum gates are implemented in quantum-gates.h
init Ground state
xgate Pauli X
ygate Pauli Y
zgate Pauli Z
cxgate Controlled X and Toffoli
cygate Controlled Y
czgate Controlled Z
hadamard Hadamard gate
phase S, T, and general phase gate
cphase Controlled phase
swap Swap qubits
cswap Controlled swap
ft Fourier transform
ift Inverse fourier transform
measure Print a histogram of the current state and go to a basis state
A Toffoli gate is accomplished by bitwise OR of control qubits.
#define Q0 0
#define Q1 1
#define Q2 2
cxgate(Q2, 1 << Q1 | 1 << Q0); // Q2 is target, Q1 and Q0 are control
Consider the following quantum circuit.
Q0 ----H----.---------M
Q1 ---------X----.----M
Q2 --------------X----M
This is the circuit in C.
#define NUMQBITS 3
#include "quantum-gates.h"
#define Q0 0
#define Q1 1
#define Q2 2
cxgate(Q1, 1 << Q0); // Q1 is target, Q0 is control
cxgate(Q2, 1 << Q1); // Q2 is target, Q1 is control
To build and run
The result is a histogram of basis state probabilities.
000 0.500000 **************************************************
001 0.000000
010 0.000000
011 0.000000
100 0.000000
101 0.000000
110 0.000000
111 0.500000 **************************************************
The result shows a 50% chance of getting 000 from the circuit and a 50% chance getting 111.