BBBHook is a automated mechanism programm, that communicates with Big Blue Button and tracks user time consumption in every session:
- Monitoring every session using Big Blue Button WebHooks
- Tracking when users join/leave the session
- Display Analytics using Moodle LMS Toolbox Intergration (using external tools)
- Dynamic Search / Deep dive in the recorded data using search filters (From Date, To Date, Fullname etc)
- Export the data in PDF Files
- The data are randomly generated for the demo/introduction purposes only! They have absolute no connection with real-life data (user personal infromation, time data etc). If some names exists in real-life, again have no connection at all with this project/platform/dataset.
- This repository for this project have no available source code because is available only for a specific company usage and not for the public. I will describe the technology stack and how it works below.
- Laravel (PHP MVC Framework) [Back-end]:
- MariaDB [Data storage]:
- Redis [Session/Caching]:
- Big Blue Button WebHook [Sessions/Events]:
- Users join sessions
- Big Blue Button send events in the BBBHook API using WebHook (joins, leaves, connections, user information etc)
- BBBHook API Filters and Process the wanted data
- Storing the correct data in specific format in the database
- Admins request access to data analytics from Moodle LMS
- BBBHook API authenticate and authorize Moodle LMS Platform and User (checking valid license, user tokens etc)
- Display the data analytics inside the Moodle LMS
- If you have any questions dont hesitate to contact me: [email protected].
- You got an idea? I am happy to hear it! Submit it freely!