$ npm install geonames-stream
Note: you will need node
and npm
installed first.
The easiest way to install node.js
is with nave.sh by executing [sudo] ./nave.sh usemain stable
You can extract the geonames on-the-fly while you're still downloading the file:
var geonames = require('geonames-stream'),
request = require('request');
request.get( 'http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/NZ.zip' )
.pipe( geonames.pipeline )
.pipe( geonames.stringify )
.pipe( process.stdout );
Or you can go old-school and work with files on disk:
var geonames = require('geonames-stream'),
fs = require('fs');
// wget http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/NZ.zip
fs.createReadStream( 'NZ.zip' )
.pipe( geonames.pipeline )
.pipe( geonames.stringify )
.pipe( process.stdout );
The easiest way to get started writing your own pipes is to use through2
; just make sure you call next()
var geonames = require('geonames-stream'),
request = require('request'),
through = require('through2');
request.get( 'http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/NZ.zip' )
.pipe( geonames.pipeline )
.pipe( through.obj( function( data, enc, next ){
console.log( data._id, data.name, data.population );
2189529 Invercargill 47287
2189530 Invercargill 0
2189531 Inveagh Bay 0
2189532 Inumia Stream 0
The streams output objects which look like this:
"_id": "2179348",
"name": "Whananaki",
"asciiname": "Whananaki",
"alternatenames": [],
"latitude": "-35.5",
"longitude": "174.45",
"feature_class": "P",
"feature_code": "PPL",
"country_code": "NZ",
"cc2": "",
"admin1_code": "F6",
"admin2_code": "002",
"admin3_code": "",
"admin4_code": "",
"population": "0",
"elevation": "",
"dem": "59",
"timezone": "Pacific/Auckland",
"modification_date": "2011-08-01"
The module comes with a prebuild processing pipeline to make life easier:
var pipeline = bun([ unzip(), split(), parser(), modifiers() ]);
If you need more control, you can re-wire things as you wish; say.. maybe you didn't want the unzip step?
var geonames = require('geonames-stream'),
request = require('request'),
split = require('split');
request.get( 'http://example.com/example.tsv' )
// .pipe( geonames.unzip() ) I don't want the unzip step
.pipe( split() )
.pipe( geonames.parser() )
.pipe( geonames.modifiers() )
.pipe( geonames.stringify )
.pipe( process.stdout );
The geonames-stream
npm module can be found here:
Please fork and pull request against upstream master on a feature branch.
Pretty please; provide unit tests and script fixtures in the test
$ npm test
Travis tests every release against Node.js versions 4
and 6