I was exploring opportunities to learn about AMQ Streams and had obtained a RVR to play around with. I thought it would be fun to explore the world of asynchronous messaging with all the capabilities in the RVR.
Sphero RVR - https://www.sphero.com/rvr
Supported Raspberry Pi (I'm using the Pi 3 B+) https://sdk.sphero.com/docs/getting_started/raspberry_pi/raspberry_pi_setup/
Twilio Account - https://www.twilio.com/
Red Hat Openshift - Tested with v4.2 and 4.3 and AMQ Streams Operator 1.4.0
Create New Project
oc new-project rvr
Kafka Resources
Install AMQ Streams Operator/Subscription in rvr project
oc apply -f <filename>
*I have been installaing the Operator manually. Need to figure out the correct YAML for the Operator deployment *
oc apply -f kafka-rvr-cluster.yaml
Should configuration allow dynamic topics?
oc apply -f kafkatopic-twilio-in.yaml
oc apply -f kafkatopic-rvr-telemetry.yaml
What is guidance/best practice? Should this be dynamic?
oc apply -f kafkabridge-rvr-kafka-bridge.yaml
oc apply -f route-kafka-bridge-route.yaml
oc get route kafka-bridge-route
Deploy Kafdrop - https://hub.docker.com/r/obsidiandynamics/kafdrop
kafdrop_dc.yaml kafdrop_service.yaml kafdrop_route.yaml
Deploying the application as Java application in OpenShift In this section, we are going to leverage the S2I build mechanism of OpenShift. We use a Java S2I Builder, and therefore do not need a Dockerfile in this approach. You do not need to locally clone the Git repository, as it will be directly built inside OpenShift. We are going to create an OpenShift build executing it:
oc new-app registry.access.redhat.com/redhat-openjdk-18/openjdk18-openshift~https://github.com/geoallenrh/rvr --context-dir=quarkus/twilio-handler/ --name=rvr-twilio-handler
oc logs -f bc/rvr-twilio-handler
oc expose svc/rvr-twilio-handler
export URL="http://$(oc get route | grep rvr-twilio-handler | awk '{print $2}')"
Update The WebHook In Twilio Messaging service.
Follow the instructions to install the python SDK https://github.com/sphero-inc/sphero-sdk-raspberrypi-python
I created a sphero-dev directory and placed the sdk there.
Within the sdk directory, I created /projects/msg_rvr directory
''' /sphero-dev/sphero-sdk-raspberrypi-python-master/projects/msg_rvr '''
Upload the /msg_rvr files to this location.
** the use of the external config.ini is WIP *** The initial versions of the files will require you to update the Bridge URL.
Of course, as long as they reference the sdk, they can be placed in another location.
create a shell
$ pipenv shell
Pulls messages from twilio-in topic and can change color or simple movement
$ python msg_rvr_local_event.py
Sends simple sensor data and battery info to telemetry topic
$ python msg_rvr_local_event.py
A key objective of this project was to use the HTTP Bridge in order to simplify the integration with Kafka.
I've been performing the testing and consumer initialization via Postman but have started to build this in the init_messaging.py.
Ensure you are using the correct Content-Type
Content-Type - application/vnd.kafka.v2+json
Check Cluster Health
Create Consumer
{ "name": "rvr-consumer", "format": "json", "enable.auto.commit": false }
Subscribe to Topic
{ "topics": [ "twilio.in" ] }
Test Send Message directly to Topic
Example Kafka Record of Twilio Message (Add in your numbers)
"records": [
"value": {"ApiVersion":"2010-04-01", "SmsSid":"SM9502d827b23cd1e6128cc2ca60576ffb", "SmsStatus":"received", "SmsMessageSid":"SM9502d827b23cd1e6128cc2ca60576ffb", "NumSegments":"1", "From":"<your phone number>", "ToState":"NJ", "MessageSid":"SM9502d827b23cd1e6128cc2ca60576ffb", "AccountSid":"<AccountSid>", "ToZip":"07930", "FromCountry":"US", "ToCity":"HACKENSACK", "FromCity":"SPRINGFIELD", "To":"<from twilio number>", "FromZip":"65806", "Body":"blue", "ToCountry":"US", "FromState":"MO", "NumMedia":"0"}
Test message to Twilio Handler - Emulate Twilio The Content-Type from Twilio is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Get Messages
Get Existing Subscriptions - If the subscription is removed from the broker, then you will have to redefine.
The only commands that are currently supported is to change the color and to do a simple movement.
Send the color you want to see or ‘Drive’ to move the RVR
(These are the predefined colors)
Send the color or the command 'Drive' as the body of the message.