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The GIAPI C++ Language glue API is one of the Language binding options used by instrument code to integrate with Gemini. The C++ API is implemented as a shared library in C++. The API sits between the instrument code and the Gemini Master Process (GMP).

The GIAPI C++ API library is included with any process that the builder creates that must communicate with Gemini. Which processes in the instrument must link with and use the C++ API is an instrument design decision.

The communication protocol between the C++ API and the GMP is encapsulated within the GIAPI implementation.

Details about the usage of the API can be found in the Gemini Observatory ICD50 - GIAPI C++ Language Glue API.


The GIAPI C++ API supports the C++11 standard. The C++11 is a major upgrade over C++98/03, with performance and convenience features that make it feel like a new language. The GIAPI library can be compiled from any version of the gcc 4.8.1 compiler, which was the first to implement the C++11 language. Currently, Gemini is using the GIAPI on centos7 (gcc 4.8.5) and rocky 8 (gcc 8.5.0).

The following are tools used to build the GIAPI C++ API:

Centos 7 Rocky 8
g++ (GCC) 4.8.5 8.5.0
GNU Make 3.82 4.2.1
GNU automake 1.16.1 1.16.1
cmake 3.20.2

External libraries

The external libraries required by the GIAPI are:

  • Apache Active MQ CMS (C++ Messaging system) version 3.4.1. activemq
  • Apache Log4cxx version 0.11.0. log4cxx
  • libCurl version 7.21.6. curl
  • curlpp version 0.8.1 curlpp
  • Apache Portable Runtime libraries (apr and apr-util). apr and apr-util


To compile GIAPI-GLUE from source code, it is necessary to first compile the external libraries located in the external directory.

The steps performed from GEMINI to compile the library on CENTOS 7 and CENTOS 8 are described below.

  • Create the GIAPI_ROOT and BOOST_ROOT enviroment variables. It is possible executing the following command.
       source ./
  • Compile the apr library. Follow the actions listed in link
  • Compile the apr-util library. Follow the actions listed in this link
  • Compile the activemq library. Follow the actions listed in this link
  • Compile the log4cxx library. Follow the actions listed in this link
  • Compile the libCurl library. Follow the actions listed in this link
  • Compile the libCurlpp library. Follow the actions listed in this link
  • Compile the giapi-glue library. Execute the following commands.
    > cd $GIAPI_ROOT
    > make 
    > make install
  • Finally, if you want to execute some examples provided by GEMINI, perform the following actions.
    cd $GIAPI_ROOT/src/examples
    > make


The first version of the giapi-glue dates from October 24, 2008. It was written by AN (Arturo Nunez). During these years it has been maintained mainly by Carlos Quiroz, Ignacio Arriagada and Fran. Ramos. .