This project demonstrates how to use Gelato Automate to create a task and set secrets for a smart contract using a trusted signer mechanism and the Sign-In With Ethereum (SIWE) flow.
The GelatoSecretsContract contract uses Gelato Automate to automate tasks. The contract integrates with Gelato Automate and allows a trusted signer to create tasks and interact with secrets securely using the SIWE (Sign-In With Ethereum) flow.
This project includes:
A smart contract that supports task automation. A script to create tasks using the smart contract. A script to set secrets for tasks using SIWE.
npm install
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat deploy --tags GelatoSecretsContract --network arbitrumSepolia
npx hardhat run scripts/create-task-gelato.ts --network arbitrumSepolia
npx hardhat run scripts/siwe-secrets-gelato.ts --network arbitrumSepolia
- Contract deployed on Arbitrum Sepolia: 0x56593b957dd67d9fa64d443d03fb9efe33d6b7fc
- Task created on Gelato