DDB Next is a beta-web interface for Deutsche Digital Bibliothek.
The DDB Next is a Web Application build on Grails.
The project is still under beta development. There are no ''war-s'' for download war-s released yet.
No special configurations right now
Developed with Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (download tool link). The Grails Tool Suite is an Eclipse based application with built in support for Grails and vFabric tc Server a neat solution to help developers launch apps easily.
You are probably on Github, or you received this file from there
In order to run the app from Grails Tools Suite a developer can navigate to the project, right click and Select ''Run As'' > ''Grails Command (run-app)'' or ''Grails Command (test-app)'' This operation is the same as a direct execution from the command line on the
grails run-app
To run Selenium tests use the command
grails run-selenium
In case additional configurations are needed, then the following apply: In development mode the external configuration is located on: $USER_HOME/.grails/$appname.properties In Production Mode: /grails/app-config/$appname.properties
####Proxy configuration In development environment, proxies are read from $USER_HOME/.grails/ProxySettings.groovy by default.
####Runtime configurations In case there is a need to change the default configurations, through external configuration files it is possible to overridde the default configurations. A list of some predefined variables is set below:
# ddb.binary.url="http://www.binary-p1.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/binary/" (Deprecated: the binaries are now accessed over the ddb.backend.url)
ddb.backend.apikey= (put a valid API key here or leave it empty)
####Tomcat configuration The tomcat configuration in the server.xml must ensure, that the used Connector must contain a valid URIEncoding tag.
<Connector [...] URIEncoding="UTF-8" />
###Piwik configuration The Piwik integration is done by a separate file (tracking.txt) that must be available in the filesystem of the webserver and configured in the ddb-next.properties file. For example if the file is accessible under "/opt/ddb/tracking.txt", the configuration in ddb-next.properties would look like "ddb.tracking.piwikfile=/opt/ddb/tracking.txt".
The file tracking.txt must contain the full Piwik tracking code. It will be rendered in the web page in exactly this form.