Canvas game where you move your cat player left or right to avoid oncoming obstacles and collect vinyl records until you have enough to play at a kitty disco! Collect 6 golden records to fill your playlist and WIN! Enjoy the kitty disco! Your kitty is willing to use up to 3 of their lives for this game. If you hit an obstacle, you lose a life. When all your lives are used up, the game is over. Bad music for you.
- Splash Screen.
- Cat can occupy 5 possible positions at the bottom of the screen.
- Cat moves between these positions using Left and Right key.
- Items (Obstacles and Records) appear on screen and move towards bottom of screen
- Collision between cat and Item record both head-on and if cat enters space when Item has not yet cleared screen.
- Collision with Obstacle reduces life by 1. If lives now = 0, Show Game Over screen.
- Collision with Record increases score by 1. If score = 6, Show Success screen.
Cat animates walking
Cat has transitional step frame walking between spaces
Apply forced-perspective to game
- Create Horizon
- Objects appear at horizon Scale up and are full size before reaching cat.
- Central object will just scale and move on y-axis.
- Outer 2 'lanes', the objects will have to scale and move on y-axis at same speed, but move on x-axis too for different distances and at different rates
- make road appear as though it is 'moving' too, to give effect of walking along road.
- BG cityscape rises slowly up through game, parallax effect as we get 'closer' to city.
Sound Effects
- Some BG Music, Happy and Sad Music for Win / Game Over
- Meows and Yeowl for collisions.
- As cat collects more records, background music increases in layered complexity (clicktrack, bass, guitar, vocals, synth effects) until a full song is playing.
Blur screen or have no start button or 'volume up' little message to get interaction to start music (autoplay not allowed)
Add L and R touchbuttons or touch responsiveness to move cat for playing on smartphone
-Start splash screen
- Game Over
- Game Win
- Class of cat
- draws image of cat
- moves cat L or R on key press (not further than edges of screen)
- draws objects (obstacles and records)
- object movement
- collision conditions
Definition of the different states and their transition (transition functions)
- Shows title screen with Name, graphics, and Start button.
- Start button runs gameScreen
- Initial state - backround loaded, cat in center position. 'Press any key to begin' shows. on keystroke, objects begin to move from top of screen.
- Active state - objects are coming appearing on screen and moving towards cat.
- Cat can move L or R. if cat collides with object events are triggered.
- When all lives are lost, show gameoverScreen -
- sad cat. bad music Credits.
- When cat collects 6 records!
- Happy Cat, good music. Same Credits.
Task definition in order of priority
- create DOM to manipulate
- Create basic start , win, gameover pages
- create canvas for game
- add visual elements
- background
- cat sprite
- objects (obstacles and golden records)
- create array of coordinates for cat's 5 possible places
- cat can move left or right to fixed positions on key press
- make objects appear / move / disappear
- make collision rules
- top and sides of cat, if object collides with cat directly or cat enters space still occupied by object.
- hit object -1 life
- hit golden record +1 score
- end game logic -lives = 0 -> game over screen -score = 6 -> win screen
- make objects / empty spaces appear in groups
- minimum 1 empty space
- gold record only appears every x set of objects
- cat effects on collision
- sound effect
- cat flashes on obstacle collision? Backlog
- animate cat walking
- add cat side-step effect
- Forced perspective
- road becomes converging parallels
- start point for objects becomes horizon.
- objects scale up from 1px to full size as they travel
- objects move across x axis from center at horizon to fixed positions
- once full size, and at fixed x-axis positions, objects move only on y-axis.
- Add background game music.
Music and Artwork Courtesy of the talented Mr Linden on You can even Buy the T-Shirt!