Plooto.Payments.API is a web API designed using the Clean Architecture principles. This API facilitates the management of payments and bills.
The API is structured into the following layers:
- Domain Layer: Contains entities representing the core business logic, interfaces for repositories to access data, and interfaces for domain events.
- Application Layer: Implements use cases through commands and queries, allowing manipulation of domain entities.
- Infrastructure Layer: Handles data storage using SQL Server and provides concrete implementations for repositories and domain events.
- Web API Layer: Exposes endpoints through controllers, implements exception filters for error handling, and interacts with the application layer for use cases.
- Unit Tests Layer: Contains unit tests for application use cases, ensuring the reliability and correctness of the codebase.
To run the Plooto.Payments.API locally, ensure you have Docker Desktop installed. You can set up an instance of SQL Server by running the following command:
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=2b4GhHErgA8Cv8gFt4rK" -p 1434:1433 --name sqlserver2022 -d
If Entity Framework CLI (EF CLI) is not installed, run this command to install it:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Navigate to the directory of the API project and execute the following commands:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --verbose --project "{path of Plooto.Payments.Infrastructure.csproj}" --startup-project "{path of Plooto.Payments.API\Plooto.Payments.API.csproj}"
dotnet ef database update --verbose --project "{path of Plooto.Payments.Infrastructure.csproj}" --startup-project "{path of Plooto.Payments.API\Plooto.Payments.API.csproj}"