Boilerplate for the Node, Express, Mongo.
- Node.js
- NPM - Node package manager
- MongoDB - Cloud Atlas(URI)
- git clone
- cd Node_Express_Mongo_boilerplate
- go to config -> config.env (edit it with your cloud atlas uri information)
npm install
# Run in dev mode
npm run dev
# Run in prod mode
npm start
1. express-mongo-sanitize - To Prevent NoSQL Injections.
2. helmet - Security Headers
3. xss-clean - XSS Protection
4. express-rate-limit - To Limit the No of Reqs
5. hpp - To Prevent HTTP Parameter Pollution
6. CORS - To Avoid Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Issues
For Detailed Information Visit: Click Me
- Version: 1.0.1
- License: MIT