The hackathon setup consists of these elements:
- Team nodes
- Clouder CDH enterpirse cluster
Each team has a private virtual server. All servers are in the same subnet and have access to the CDH cluster. Access to these servers are possible via a public address with a unique private and public key pair available for each team.
Each team nodes is equipped with a set tools and configuration to access the environment. These tools are pre-installed on a private node for each team. Participating teams may use the server however they wish. The teamX user will have sudo privileges.
- launching Jupyter Notebooks with Python kernel and Pyspark connectivity
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS="notebook --no-browser --ip= --allow-root"
- optionaly you can also switch to a R kernel
it's recommended to run these commands in screen or tmux in case of loss of connectivity
- basic Hadoop clients are configured on each team node
- to list your home directory on HDFS you can run the following command
hdfs dfs -ls /user/team<your team number>
- for more details check Hadoop documention
An alternative option, which could be more attractive for web development is using webHSFD.
- assuming you have pyspark2 shell running with SparkContext available, the code below reads the table content into a Spark DataFrame
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
sc = SparkContext()
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
df = sqlContext.sql("select * from database.table")
- for more details check the Spark SQL documention
- Apache kafka will run using the default Cloudera setup
- brokers will be listnening on port 9092
- zookeeper available on 2181