jQuery TE is a jQuery plugin. It is a lightweight and very useful HTML editor. And it works with WYSIWYG model.
Most importantly, it can be integrated into your system in 1 minute. And you can modify it as you want in terms of interface. Even you can change the css classes.
Everything is as simple as the following:
jQuery TE works with same performance on the most preferred browsers. And its source of the output is same as 90% on these browsers.
Also, it compresses to source of the output automatically. jQuery TE's system runs more practical and more rapidly to other some editors.
We recommend that you use this product with the latest version of jQuery.
If you have created a textarea and the value of class, such as “editor” used with the $(“.editor”).jqte(); will be enough to write script.
Of course you can also use a different attribute value.
bower install jqueryte