This project is based on building a Patient Management System for an NGO which runs a clinic providing homeopathic medical services. This database provides a secure management system where doctors and admins will have their unique individual login credentials. The doctors will have access to add new patients, view the details of the patients as well as update their address details. Admins will have access to add new doctors to the database and view their details. This application helps to store the medical history of patients which includes their last visit date, the diseases faced by them and the medication provided. The speciality of this system which makes it secure and connects all entities of the system with each other is that each userType is given a unique id(patient id in case of patients and staff id for doctors and administrative staffs). These unique ids streamline the process and add security for searching the data related to a particular person.
MySQL server and SQL schemas have been used to create the database and store the data inside it. Java Swing GUI has been used with the help of NetBeans IDE to provide a proper UI to the system which makes it interactive to use and easy to maintain.
The source code has been provided in the src/clinic_Database subdirectory of ClinicDatabase directory. The UML diagrams related to the structure, behaviour and use cases of the Patient Management System have been provided in the directory named UML Diagrams.
This Patient Management System has been created as a Semester Project which displays the application of various Object Oriented Programming concepts.