Sample projects are located in in the modular and cc-bmean folders.
Installation instructions and setup can be found in the readme files in those respective folders.
- node
- bower
- gulp
- mongo (for the cc-bmean project only)
Q. Why won't my server start?
A. Make sure your node modules are installed. Try running from the terminal.
`npm install`
Q. Why does the browser seem to hang on the splash page?
A. Open your browser Developer Tools and check what errors are displayed. Often this is either a missing file or a JavaScript error.
Q. Why does the browser show several files are not loaded in bower_components?
A. Make sure your bower packages are installed. Try running from the terminal.
`bower install`
Q. Why won't mongo run?
A. Check the mongo instructions in the project's github repository in cc-bmean folder's readme file for help.