Releases: gandlafbtc/nutstash-wallet
Releases · gandlafbtc/nutstash-wallet
Nutstash v2.0.2
See the assets to download this version and install.
What's Changed
- merge 2.0.2 by @gandlafbtc in #111
Full Changelog: nutstash-v2.0.1...nutstash-v2.0.2
Nutstash v2.0.1
Nutstash v2.0.1
For web version, visit .
To install, choose a binary from bellow
See the assets to download this version and install.
What's Changed
- Feature/onboarding by @gandlafbtc in #93
- P2pk by @gandlafbtc in #94
- Development by @gandlafbtc in #97
Full Changelog: 0.1.12...0.2.7
Version 0.1.12
Nutstash now automatically checks and update outadted mint keys
What's Changed
- Refactor token to proof by @gandlafbtc in #78
- fix bug: pay invoice with random tokens by @gandlafbtc in #79
- Fix tag and container port on by @TheFockinFury in #83
- Sync with server by @gandlafbtc in #85
- Dev/upgrade cashu by @gandlafbtc in #87
New Contributors
- @TheFockinFury made their first contribution in #83
Full Changelog: 0.1.10...0.1.12
What's Changed
- add nutty theme by @gandlafbtc in #73
- fix breaking changes by @gandlafbtc in #74
- Webcrypto shim (for hosting on umbrel) by @gandlafbtc in #75
- Coin selection by @gandlafbtc in #76
Full Changelog: 0.1.9...0.1.10
version 0.1.9
What's Changed
- Refactor by @gandlafbtc in #72
- pending tokens now don't get auto-checked by default
- scroll bars removed
- select default mint
- update some libs
- add mint via url
- reload mint keys
- share mint via link
- removing mint requires confirmation
Full Changelog: 0.1.8...0.1.9
What's Changed
- add github release action for docker images by @aphex3k in #62
- add NUT-08 support by @gandlafbtc
Version 0.1.6
What's Changed
- dont bring hash back, it is not good for ux, also make onMount async by @dipunm in #58
- Issue #54: better error message when token can't be received by @gandlafbtc in #59
- improve loading more entries ux by @gandlafbtc in #61
Full Changelog: 0.1.5...0.1.6
Version 0.1.5
- Nostr scan by @gandlafbtc in #55
- allow for recognizing hash in url as token on load by @dipunm in #56
- Version 0.1.5 by @gandlafbtc in #57
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.1.4...0.1.5