This is AGM issue change data processor for GAIA analytics. It is based on "gaiaadm/result-processing" Docker image.
Tested with AGM SaaS production (21-Sep-2015)
Input data format is exactly as returned by agm Auditing ReST API.
- Request example: /qcbin/rest/domains/Default/projects/bp1/audits?query={parent-type[defect];parent-id[>0];id[>123]}&page-size=<PAGE_SIZE>&start-index=&order-by={time[asc]}
- Response example: `
Output data format is exactly as specified here
- docker build -t gaiaadm/agm-issue-change-processor .
- docker run -d -e AMQ_USER="admin" -e AMQ_PASSWORD="admin" -v "/tmp:/upload" --link rabbitmq-master:amqserver --link mgs:metricsgw --name aic gaiaadm/agm-issue-change-processor
- For development the entire folder of this project can be copied to result-processing\processors directory and the started by server.js of the result-processing project.
Execute tests:
- to run unit tests:
grunt unit
- to run code analysis:
grunt jshint
- cannot run when RabbitMQ password is empty (common limitations for all data procesors)
generate synthetic data without having AGM and data collector running (Windows machine, all the names are just examples and can be changed):
- must run: RabbitMQ, results-upload-service
- run the processor at least once without any data to create a queue in RabbitMQ
- create c:\upload folder
- inside c:\upload create 4e516623-dfb8-48f2-9471-06e3bd23caf2 folder with a text file named 2b2d4e25-f9ec-4a09-9b5b-a1774048a5fd
- put to the text file following: 14UPDATE1defect2015-08-25 10:11:50sa3-High2-Medium
- login to RabbitMQ and publish message to "agm/issue/change" queue:
- delivery_mode: 2
- headers:
- accessToken: according your real token
- tenantId: your tenantId
- path: /upload/4e516623-dfb8-48f2-9471-06e3bd23caf2/2b2d4e25-f9ec-4a09-9b5b-a1774048a5fd
- payload: {"dataType":"agm/issue/change","C_AGM_LOCATION":"","C_DOMAIN":"Default","C_PROJECT":"bp1","contentType":"application/xml; charset=UTF-8","mimeType":"application/xml","charset":"UTF-8"}