A python script to save icloud content on a hard drive. Only apply modifications from last execution.
- iCloud Drive
- iCloud Photos
Create an environment variable named "APPLE_ID" with the Apple identifier you need to save the iCloud from.
Create an environment variable named "APPLE_PWD" with the password associated to the Apple account. This password will only be used to connect to iCloud API. Do not trust me, check the code!
Create an environment variable named "BACKUP_PATH" for the place where you want your backup to be stored.
eg: you have a Hard Drive Disk you want to use for this purpose named "HDD", then it should be: BACKUP_PATH=/Volumes/HDD
- gmpykit: Personal Python toolbox, https://github.com/gaetanmuck/gmpykit
- pyicloud: iCloud API Wrapper, https://github.com/picklepete/pyicloud
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/gaetanmuck/icloud_cold_backup.git
(suppose you did that here:~
) - Install dependencies:
pip install gmpykit pyicloud
- Set all three environment variables
- Create an alias in your RC file:
echo "alias backup='python3 ~/icloud_cold_backup/backup.py'" >> ~/.zshrc
(suppose you use ZSH) - Restart your Terminal (or run
source ~/.zshrc
) - Run
If you find value in this script and would like to show your support, you can Buy Me A Coffee, it would be grateful.