Proffy is an application that connects people who wants to learn with people who can teach. You can find teachers from different subjects and contact them for classes.
You can find the layout of the aplication at Figma
- Typescript
- NodeJS
- Clone Proffy:
[email protected]:gabyrodrigues/proffy.git
- Running the application:
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
## Create the database
$ cd server
$ npm run knex:migrate
$ npm run knex:seed
# Run the API server
$ npm run dev
# Run the web application
$ cd web
$ npm start
# Run the web application
$ cd mobile
$ npm start
- celebrate: ^12.1.1
- cors: ^2.8.5
- express: ^4.17.1
- knex: ^0.21.2
- sqlite3: ^5.0.0
- ts-node: ^8.10.2
- ts-node-dev: ^1.0.0-pre.56
- typescript: ^3.9.7
- @testing-library/jest-dom: ^4.2.4
- @testing-library/react: ^9.3.2
- @testing-library/user-event: ^7.1.2
- axios: ^0.19.2
- react: ^16.13.1
- react-dom: ^16.13.1
- react-router-dom: ^5.2.0
- react-scripts: 3.4.1
- typescript: ~3.7.2
- @react-native-community/async-storage: ~1.11.0
- @react-native-community/masked-view: 0.1.10
- @react-navigation/native: ^5.7.3
- @react-navigation/stack: ^5.9.0
- @react-navigation/bottom-tabs: ^5.8.0
- axios: ^0.19.2
- expo: ~38.0.8
- expo-constants: ~9.0.0
- expo-font: ~8.2.1
- expo-status-bar: ^1.0.2
- react: ~16.11.0
- react-dom: ~16.11.0
- react-native:
- react-native-gesture-handler: ~1.6.0
- react-native-reanimated: ~1.9.0
- react-native-safe-area-contex: ~3.0.7
- react-native-screens: ~2.9.0
- react-native-web: ~0.11.7
- typescript: ~3.9.5
Developed by Gabriely Rodrigues