Written using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and API REST. I also used bootstrap for the buttons' icon
I tried to recreate Spotify's functionality (https://open.spotify.com/) like Signin, Login, Create and Delete Playlist, Liked a song, and Search an album or track.
I used:
- Spotify's API for searching an album or a tracks by input text and playlist by Spotify to fill the home page
- Ticketmaster's API to output a list of event in the following week.
File | Description |
forgotPassword.php | code for the forgot password section |
index.php | home page |
login.php | code for the user login section |
logout.php | session_destroy for the user logout |
signup.php | code for the user signup section |
File | Description |
fillHomeSpotify.js | js functions for the filling of the home page with default playlist of Spotify and Ticketmaster |
index.js | js functions for the home page, like showing playlist and search a song |
showItem.js | js functions for the search of an album or a track function of spotify |
showPassword.js | single js function for showing Password in signup and login pages, clicking the svg eye button |
showPlaylist.js | js functions for the view of a single playlist and its songs |
showReproduction.js | js functions for the dinamic view of the reproduction part when its clicked a track |
signup.js | js functions for form fields' validation |
File | Description |
addFavouriteSong.php | query to insert a song on the favourite ones |
addPlaylist.php | query to insert a new playlist |
addSongPlaylist.php | query to insert a song in a selected playlist |
autenticationSpotify.php | REST API with Spotify credentials and authenticate |
autenticationTicketMaster.php | REST API with Ticketmaster credentials and authenticate |
checkEmail.php | query to check if the insert email address already exist |
checkFavourite.php | query to check if the song is on the favourite ones so I can edit the color of the like button |
checkUsername.php | query to check if the insert username already exist |
deleteFavouriteSong.php | query to delete a song from the favourite ones |
deletePlaylist.php | query to delete a playlist |
deleteSongPlaylist.php | query to insert a song in a selected playlist |
fillHomeSpotify.php | REST API to show all default Spotify's playlist |
searchItem.php | REST API to search a song or a track from an insert text |
showPlaylist.php | query to show all the user's playlists |
showSongPlaylist.php | REST API to get all the song of a playlist |
updateImageAccount.php | query to update the profile image |
updateImagePlaylist.php | query to update the playlist image |
File | Description |
forgot.css | style for forgot password page |
index.css | style for the main home page |
index_media.css | style for smartphone device view home page |
leftpart.css | style for left part of home page |
login.css | style for login page |
playlistview.css | style for the view of a playlist |
reproduction.css | style for the reproduction of a song part |
rightpart.css | style for right part of home page |
signup.css | style for the page about signup of a user |
File | Description |
config.php | setting connection at the database with default parameters |
spotify.sql | spotify database extraction |