These are the projects created in Gabriel Rueda and Antonio Iatonna's University of Windsor Computer Science Co-op Placement from Fall 2019 to Winter 2020.
- Combines both Object Avoidance and Line Following projects to play a 1v1 capture the flag game with another robot
- The course includes a flag that the robot can grab and return to it's base
- The CaptureTheFlag_Final folder contains the final version
- The robot has a moveable head with an ultrasonic sensor in order to check both front, left and right of itself
- The robot ensures that it has moved past the obstacle before continuing to move forward
- Uses a colour sensor to detect a coloured line on the board
- Is able to follow both curved and straight lines
- Attempted to use PyBluez to synchronize robot movement
- Decided to use Paramiko SSH instead to synchronize the robot movement.
- Python
- BrickPI3
- Paramiko
- SSH Clients
This work is licensed under the MIT License.