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balle edited this page Jun 16, 2011 · 4 revisions

Working with lines

  • C-c y to duplicate a line
  • C-c c to duplicate a line and comment the first
  • C-c l to select a whole line

Moving lines or regions

  • C-SPACE to set the mark, go to the end of the region you want to move than do
  • M-up / M-down / M-left / M-right to move it around

Marking stuff

  • strg+x h - mark whole buffer
  • esc + h - mark function / paragraph


  • M-; - comment region or line

View changes

  • M-x highlight-changes-mode - highlight all changes

Jumping around

  • C-c C-u - goto begin of block
  • C-M-p - jump back to bracket
  • M-m - jump to first non-whitespace character
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