Deploy in swarm mode a proxysql load balancer container, etcd for service discovery and some pecona xtradb cluster for mysql 5.7. docker swarm will create a overlay network for this stack.
On the manager it will deploy etcd and proxysql for external access on port 3306 to the mysql cluster, on worker nodes it will deploy percona xtradb.
docker-compose up
deploy stack:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml galera
ps stack:
docker stack ps galera
stop stack:
docker stack rm galera
Open ports for service discovery on overlay networks on swarm mode: See:
- on manager node:
ufw allow 22/tcp
ufw allow 2376/tcp
ufw allow 2377/tcp
ufw allow 7946/tcp
ufw allow 7946/udp
ufw allow 4789/udp
- on worker nodes:
ufw allow 22/tcp
ufw allow 2376/tcp
ufw allow 7946/tcp
ufw allow 7946/udp
ufw allow 4789/udp
is mandatory to run this command to join nodes to proxysql:
docker exec -it galera_proxysql.1.$(docker service ps -f 'name=galera_proxysql.1' galera_proxysql -q --no-trunc | head -n1)
** Then after the adding of some nodes is possible to connect to proxysql through 3306.**
docker exec -it galera_proxysql.1.$(docker service ps -f 'name=galera_proxysql.1' galera_proxysql -q --no-trunc | head -n1) bash
- check if service discovery is working (from the local container):
curl http://$DISCOVERY_SERVICE/v2/keys/pxc-cluster/$CLUSTER_NAME/ | jq .
it will respond with a list of galera services discovered:
"action": "get",
"node": {
"key": "/pxc-cluster/galera-15",
"dir": true,
"nodes": [
"key": "/pxc-cluster/galera-15/",
"dir": true,
"expiration": "2018-05-09T14:36:42.36014648Z",
"ttl": 26,
"modifiedIndex": 9,
"createdIndex": 9
"modifiedIndex": 5,
"createdIndex": 5
- check if galera nodes are connected to proxysql "admin interface" (6032) (from the local container):
mysql -u admin -padmin -h -P6032 --prompt='Admin> ' -e "select * from stats.stats_mysql_connection_pool";
Also with this command:
docker exec -it galera_proxysql.1.$(docker service ps -f 'name=galera_proxysql.1' galera_proxysql -q --no-trunc | head -n1) mysql -u admin -padmin -h -P6032 --prompt='Admin> ' -e "select * from stats.stats_mysql_connection_pool;"
- connect to proxysql mysql interface (3306) (from the local container):
mysql -P3306 -h127.0.0.1 -uproxyuser -ps3cr3TL33tPr0xyP@ssw0rd
- check if balancing works (round robin of nodes): connect through proxysql balancer:
docker exec -it galera_proxysql.1.$(docker service ps -f 'name=galera_proxysql.1' galera_proxysql -q --no-trunc | head -n1) mysql -uproxyuser -ps3cr3TL33tPr0xyP@ssw0rd -h -P3306 -e "SELECT @@hostname"
docker-compose scale percona-xtradb-cluster=3
docker exec -it galera_proxysql.1.$(docker service ps -f 'name=galera_proxysql.1' galera_proxysql -q --no-trunc | head -n1) mysql -uproxyuser -ps3cr3TL33tPr0xyP@ssw0rd -h -P3306
# then insert some test data from init.sql