Plugin for HashiCorp Vault which reads credential secrets from OpenMetadata
golang 1.19 and above
Vault CLI utility (tested on Vault version v1.11.3)
Begin by setting the OM_SERVER_URL
environment variable to point to the OpenMetadata Rest API URL. For instance:
export OM_SERVER_URL="http://localhost:8585/api"
Next, build the plugin binary and start the Vault dev server:
make source-build
vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root -dev-plugin-dir=./vault/plugins
This Vault plugin will give you access to credentials of OpenMetadata database services.
Suppose your OpenMetadata deployment has a database service called openmetadata-s3
. To get its credentials, open a new terminal window and run the following commands:
# Open a new terminal window and export Vault dev server http address
$ export VAULT_ADDR=''
# Enable the the plugin
$ vault secrets enable -path=om-secrets-reader vault-plugin-secrets-omd-reader
# Read the secret credentials of the openmetadata-s3 database service from OM:
$ vault read om-secrets-reader/openmetadata-s3
Key Value
--- -----
access_key myaccesskey
secret_key mysecretkey